One morning Missy woke up to the strangest smell she’d ever experienced. It wafted down the stairs and onto the sofa and seemed to be trying to lure her to its place of origin. She fortified herself with a bowl of biscuits and went upstairs to investigate. The aroma was […]

Peter’s Christmas Party (pt 3)
Published on :It was agreed that Peter would have a good talk with his parents that evening and report back to Max. The latter was working on a secret plan to throw a Christmas coming-out party for Peter in one of the trees in the main square and was busy compiling an […]

Peter’s Christmas Party (pt 2)
Published on :“So,” said Max after Arthur had zoomed towards Victoria, “what’s the matter, Peter?” Peter stopped bouncing and perched in the pink bougainvillea to catch his breath. “My mum and dad don’t seem to understand me. I don’t really like female sparrows,” he said. “I mean, they’re alright to talk to, […]

Peter’s Christmas Party (pt 1)
Published on :Christmas was coming, and The Gozo Cat Detectives were hoping that the goose was getting very fat indeed. The goose, however, was planning a flight to a vegetarian country. Speaking of flying, it was one morning at the beginning of December that Arthur the sparrow landed on the electricity lines, […]

“ANGELS ON MOUSEBACK” – Gozo Cat Detectives 2017 Christmas Story
Published on :It was a couple of days before Christmas. The weather was cool for the time of year, and Whistler was remembering the days when he lived in London. The snow, the freezing cold, the snow, the icy streets where even a cat often landed not on his feet, but on […]
The Gozo Cat Detectives discover Rain and the Rainy Season
Published on :Spring was definitely in the air. Colourful flowers had been planted in the courtyard garden. People had begun to emerge from their houses, cautiously, but with hope. Sneezing and coughing were still to be heard, but not as frequently or loudly. Things were looking up, but then it started to […]
The cold snap – what’s a cat to do?
Published on :It was cold. Colder than ever before. The Gozo Cat Detectives huddled together under duvets and pillows and cushions, but still they were cold. Even Missy, with her ever-expanding furriness, found it chilly, and a bit squashy, as Max, Ziggy, Whistler and Astral Squeaks like to lie on her and […]
The unearthly arrival of a kitten, Ms Astral Squeaks
Published on :Shortly before Christmas, the Gozo Cat Detectives were huddled in front of the laptop under the duvet trying to keep warm. They came across a photograph of a very sad kitten on the Gozo SPCA page on Facebook. She was tiny and white and one of her eyes was very […]
The inspiration for the Gozo Cat Detectives
Published on :When I was a child and young adult, I was lost and confused, trying to make sense of the mindless, violent bullying that I was subjected to on a daily basis. I found great comfort and inspiration in two books – Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne, and The Wind […]